Business offer

Our value proposition for Companies and business Partners

Uplift skills with courses

We provide a variety of .NET related courses that are much different from other online offerings!

First of all, our courses deliver a full in-depth coverage of a given topic. In comparison with others that just skim over the topic, we provide a full path from the beginner to the excellence. This is why, for instance, our most popular Async Expert provides almost 30 hours of recordings!

The second important aspect are online live meetings with mentors. By mentors we mean additional experts that help attendees in making big progress.

The last, but not least, is a community of attendees. We actively participate and support it making sure that all questions are answered.

Employer branding

If you're looking for presenting your company as a workplace that uses .NET a lot, we're here to help. We can help you with making this happen by passing your brand message during our online Conference and other online activities. We make it in a non-aggressive, friendly manner. We know that this approach works the best for both, our Partners and our own brand.

On-site activities will be back as soon as we all deal with the pandemic.

Sourcing candidates

We can help you with presenting you as an interesting workplace not only for your current employees but also the future ones. As with employer branding we can provide you with variety of options to reach out to your future employees.

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